Saturday, June 25, 2005

Sonia Faleiro, India's most stupid and Amit Verma

Click here for a hilarious story Now you know that grass is easily available in Bangalore.

Turns out Sonia Faleiro is a well known Indian journalist. She writes for the Indian Express and interviews quite a few of India's best and the worst. Check out her blog "Colour of Water".

Another addition to the blog list is "India Uncut" by Amit Verma. I vaguely recall the name (hmm, mebbe from his columns in Cricinfo) and his blog too has some excellent writing.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Landmark Forum: it teaches you what you didnt know you didnt know

This particular course seems to have generated a lot of discussion on Divya's blog ( and there is a huge post on it at Soldier's blog (, I dont know who this is btw!). After reading through the post and the comments I'm intrigued. In this post I am not going to look at every aspect of the forum which has generated the discussion but specifically what Divya says it does.

Now, I have never spoken to Landmark employees about my problems with their course and my knowledge of the course only comes from the blog post and its comments. However, I have attended a course on self actualization (or self help or whatever it maybe, semantics not important here) by one Swami Sukhabodananda in India. I attended this course simply for the experience i.e. with no expectations or predispositions as to what it can do. And i thinki would attend the Landmark Forum (money permitting, i'm still a lowly undergrad!) simply for that reason - just a new experience which has the potential of being helpful.

My understanding of what the landmark forum teaches you
Mainly from Divya's comments, the forum tells you what you did not know you didnt know about life. (Yeah, that sounds slightly complicated). Let me instead paste the part of Divya's comment which is relevant.

"Landmark is precisely not a self help course. Self Help course starts from what you know you dont know (for e.g. you know you cant do Karate kicks). And from what you dont know, using those self help books you try to "know" them (by reading "Karate for dummies"). If only you could do that, all of those who read those self-help books (like Getting Things Done) would have stopped procastinating and would have gotten into action. But why do they not help? The first thing Landmark Forum Leader talks in an introduction is, NOBODY NEEDS LANDMARK FORUM. It is not a faith or a cult or a drug that is required for salvation. It is simply a disucssion to provide a new angle to your life that you have never seen before. And you wont understand it precisely because you dont think there can be any new angle to your life! "

My opinion
I have a few questions:

1) Can another person tell you what the new angle to your life is?

2) Can this new angle be the same or atleast thematically similar to the 900 odd people (or whatever the number, again semantics dont matter) sitting in the room?

3) Do people really want to know the new angle?

Each question merits some explanation.

Question 1
I am of the opinion that its quite difficult for a third party to really tell you whats wrong with your life or what you need to do to make it better. This sounds too much like what a shrink does and even he/she needs to spend time with you to know your life inside out to make suggestions, doesn't he? This ofcourse might be just me being a skeptic. But the question needs to be asked.

Question 2
Here comes my biggest problem with the "new angle" and teaching you "what you didnt know you know" idea. I dont think that a new angle to life can be common to a group of people. And i am assuming here that there is not much one on one interchange, that the lecture or philosophy is common to all the participants which seems to be the case with halls being rented out for the seminars etc. How can this new angle be common to so many people? Especially people from different backgrounds, different social status and particularly different goals in life. Even if this angle is a general philiosophy or approach to life i do not believe that it can be common. There are different obstacles that each individual either puts up himself or faces through the course of his life. The kind of disparity over here is just too immense to be dealt with by a general "technology".

Question 3
This is a particularly pertinent question because of the mixed reactions that participants of the forum seem to display. I believe that sometimes we refuse to acknowledge certain things simply because we dont want to deal with them. The reasons for these are manifold; it might be because we dont want to acknowledge their existence or because we are scared we might not be able to deal with them. But whatever the reason ultimately, its about a personal choice we make as to whether we want to face a certain problem or not. Ofcourse i submit that in the spirit of honesty, openness and maybe even a desire to improve we need to acknowledge certain obstacles that we ourselves might have created for our success. Its also probably the healthy thing to do.

But I would humbly submit that the reason a few people face such mental turmoil after the forum is because they didnt believe that they could deal with those problems in the first place. Its also arguable that that very fear is a more important thing to conquer which the forum doesnt seem to accomplish and doesnt claim to either. The thing is its very difficult for these people to realise where their real fear stems from and the forum by bringing out all the obstacles only makes it worse for these people. Therefore I believe that the forum is only for a certain set of people.

To round off, I still believe that the forum can be good. Not only because several participants swear by it but simply because i do not wish to dismiss it on personal prejudice or expectations. I also agree that most people dont NEED the forum so i would submit that to base it on need is not the best way to decide. But i do have problems with the expectations that the marketing of the forum generates. If you go in expecting to reach the moon and they only manage a tree top its still a big fall. I would submit that its best to go for these things with no expectations and an open mind. Which ofcourse is difficult when they charge 750$ for it.

Monday, June 20, 2005

The five people you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

I bought this book on a whim. I usually never buy books unless I've read them and really like them or if they come highly recommended by a friend. Gotta live on a student's budget. But something about the story really drew me to the book and I ended up buying it.

I really liked the book. It doesnt attempt to lecture or preach, it merely tells a story. A story of Eddie, a 83 year old man who dies and then goes to heaven. He meets five people there from his life, who try and explain Eddie's life to him.
This is a very interesting idea. Heaven is not a mysterious place where there are lush meadows and where you have a rendezvous with God. Its just a place where your life is explained. This seems relatively straightforward but I think most people would love to know why a certain event in their life took place. Self pity bouts are always about "Why, me?" kinda questions.

Its a very unassuming book. It can get cliched at times but the writing style encourages you not to dismiss or ridicule these cliches. Definitely a book to treasure.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The End of IA

And its over! Finally. The five and a half month internship. No need to wake up at 7am everyday. No need to make an hour and 15 minute journey to Novena. No need to stare at the green tiles of the Novena mrt station and wonder why on earth would someone put green tiles on an mrt station.
I'll miss the coffee and curry puff from Hans though. After a while i just had to walk in there and my breakfast would be handed to me with cries of Good morning and huge smiles. It pays to be a regular customer.
Anyway, heres to two weeks of freedom before the australs!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Batman Begins: A review

Caught the sneak preview at JP yesterday. Its probably the best of the batman movies and by far the one thats true to the comic book (or so im told). The basic plot has issues though. It tries to make a fantasy seem real. I mean Batman is, for all practical purposes a fantasy. So when they talk about microwave whatevers which can vaporise all water and amazing fibre which can make batman fly, it seems far fetched. I would rather they just make it fantasy, dont try and explain the batmobile or any of the other things. The league of shadows was also another interesting aspect. A mysterious force of a few men that destroys cities once they are corrupt and full of crime is again slightly hard to take in.

The movie is entertaining though. Its got the basic elements and if youre a DC comics fan then the movie is a must watch. Christian Bale is a good actor and does justice to his role. Katie Holmes is a token love interest and doesnt do much in the film. Alfred, played by Michael Caine also turns in an impressive performance. So overall, not a bad movie to watch but if you dont have the cash you wouldnt be missing much.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Asian Universities Debating Championships

As with every debating tournament, this shall be reviewed as well.

The Good

1) Breaking Second as NTU B with a win loss tally of 6-1

2) Living up to the break and reaching the Grand Finals

3) Receiving my first best speaker award for the Grand Finals, beating Jess Lopez - best speaker at this tournament and the previous Asians

4) Beating UPD A (undefeated filipino national champions, worlds 2005 quarter finalists) twice, in the 7th round and in the Octo Finals

5) Most amazing tab system with fairest adjudication received

The Bad

1) No rest days for the tournament which meant no sleep and minimum celebration

2) Nervous breakdowns after each break round

The Ugly

1) Losing the Grand Finals to Ateneo A on a split decision 5-2

2) Losing Round 3 by a narrow margin to IIU - B

3) Lugging 30-40kg suitcases up 7 floors in my job capacity as Hall representative for the tournament